Behind The Scene
Proudly presents...
ALGIS Tracks modelling
AMAX Archive / Counselor
ARNOLD350 Cars modelling
BIEK Cars painting
BURGER4MAN Cars modelling / Physics
DAFLAVA84 Archive
DANILO Tracks AIW / Camera / Tracks modelling
DAVE_3D Cars modelling
EDEN7C Testing
ETONE Archive
F1DRIVER Tracks painting
KING OF THE RING Cars modelling
MARKUS NISSA Cars painting
MONSUM Tracks modelling
NUGIT Cars modelling / co-ordination
RACER.BR Tracks painting
SWISS HUTLESS Cars modelling
SYLVAIN Tracks modelling
T-SPARK Painting
TATO Cars painting
VINCE KLORTHO Website / Public relationships
ZULU Cars painting / co-ordination
Beta Testers
Agathe, Batman, Bullitt, Christ, Desmo, Digitt, DrGroove, Ekaterina, Elio75, Elwood, emac, Grietick, Gui930,
Gwladys, Hunaudieres, Jean-Claude, Khyn, Ludo24H, Pete Walsh, Mullog, Niko, Nikolovic, Otaugames, Raegon,
Roswell, SpeedFr, Sticky-Fingers, Laurent Rabier, Tmsi68, Vevex, Wimille
All our greetings to the people who worked inside Virtua_LM during the last years. What they let behind them is more than Mods and we hope to perpetuate their spirit as long as possible. So, thank you to Angel, ARk'T, barrybumhead, Caliban, Cuchulain, Emac, Joe Bar Team, Matt_Atknsn, MB-BOB, mogway, Mulsanne Mike, padajacaba, Quic Vic, Ravenscraig, REVSECT, Richard Beckett, Trumpf and also to others we may have forgotten in that list.
A special thought too, for our families who accept and support our passion for many years.